For The People Who Think Social Media Is Getting Toxic

People are constantly saying that social media is toxic and before, I could feel myself starting to perceive it in that way. I was growing a darkness for something that I love and I couldn't understand where I was going wrong. Social media is an amazing way to network with people so I didn't want to give it up, but I needed to give up that negativity I was feeling. I tried deleting the apps for a little bit, but when I got them back nothing changed. I was talking to my friend about the frustration I was feeling with the whole thing and they said something that was so simple and that I knew on my own, but needed to hear from someone else. They said "I don't believe social media is what's toxic, I think the way people think is toxic".

"...the problem isn't what people are posting, it's what we're thinking about ourselves when we see these posts."

Removing ourselves from social media alone isn't going to change anything, it's so much more than that. Because the problem isn't what people are posting, it's what we're thinking about ourselves when we see these posts. So, while removing yourself from social media can be a helpful step for some people, it's not the only. You have to take that focus you had on social media and put it towards understanding & bettering your mentality.

"'s much easier to blame something else rather than to admit we're the issue."

I see a lot of blame put on a platform that we choose to look at. After all, it's much easier to blame something else rather than to admit we're the issue. But, social media allows us to get whatever we want out of our experience. We have the power to post, follow, and be followed by whatever we decide. So, if there's something in that aspect we don't like, we can easily change it. And if there's still any negativity that we feel, then it's not the content of the platform that's the issue, it's the content of our minds that's weighing us down.

P.S. We also need to stop thinking that people are only what their feed shows and stop comparing our lives to "theirs". Everyone has good days and bad, most of us just choose to document the good ones that make us happy (obviously) and that's not a bad thing. It only gets bad when you decide to compare your "worst" with their best.

Love yourself, it'll make life a whole lot easier ❁ Dez

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