Something to Help my Fellow Over-Thinkers

Minds work in such an odd way and trying to make sense of it all can get overwhelming. Sometimes when you try to process things, your mind can take a snowflake-sized thought and turn it into a giant snowball. Trust me, I know how hard it can be to stop thinking about something that feels so persistent.

"...look at it with a clear mind, all emotions aside"

Next time you feel this coming on, try writing down whatever you're thinking -- in your phone, in a notebook; just somewhere you can access it later on. Then leave it there. Leave it until you're able to look at it with a clear mind, all emotions aside. Sometimes you'll even decide it's not worth going back to at all. This essentially forces you to stop overthinking. 

" patient and gentle with yourself..."

With time & practice, your mind will just do this naturally without having to write anything down -- major emphasis on time and practice. Be patient and gentle with yourself and try not to let yourself get discouraged. Especially when your process of overcoming this is not linear. You will have sunny days and rainy days, just know that both are necessary to grow.

Stay Golden ❁ Dez

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